I’ve Lost Everything But Weight This Year

Exclusive image of me counting the number of losses I’ve taken in 2017.

Photo: Pop Sugar
Photo: Pop Sugar

While everyone else stumbled out of 2016 like Tina did in that epic scene from What’s Love Got to Do With It after laying the smackdown on Ike, I was certain that the New Year would bring a series of celebrations in my life.

Me in June waiting for the said “celebration” to start.

Photo: giphy
Photo: giphy

I received a bit of bad news in December and refused to let it get me down because I just knew 2017 would be my year. I took the hit in stride and celebrated New Year’s Eve with positive vibes ready for 365 days of victory.

2017 was waiting around the corner like:

Photo: Tumblr
Photo: Tumblr

I won’t even go into detail about my constant disappointments, but just know I’ve taken hit after hit. When Oprah invites me to Super Soul Sunday I will weep and tell the world of my sorrows. Until then, I just pray for better days. Last month I saw two hairs on my chin. Enough was enough. I was fed up.

Me looking in the mirror with my tweezers:

Photo: Tumblr
Photo: Tumblr

Even the strongest person as their breaking point.

I’ve lost a number of things, excluding weightthis year.  I’m like Lord, shave a few numbers off the scale while you’re taking things away. For every win, you best believe there have been at least two losses, at minimum, to follow.  And, I know it’s not just me. The misfortune is an equal opportunity hater. I’ve read countless somber Facebook statuses, watched horrific viral videos, and heard from friends who have also caught a tough break this year.

Clearly, I’m not alone in this.

I described the weird year that I’m having to my best friend yesterday and she brought something major to my attention. Despite the recent turbulence and despair, I’ve maintained my composure. No tears. No pity parties. No tantrums. I’m still moving and shaking.

My attitude every time something terrible happens:

Photo Credit: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Photo Credit: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

I take a moment to acknowledge the situation, admit my fault in it, and move on. Remember I was publicly shamed and escorted out of Maya Angelou’s funeral? Yeah…I can survive anything…even the Secret Service.

[Tweet “I’ll be 30 next year and I don’t have another 30 years to waste on bitterness.”]

Above all, I don’t have time for the “why me” syndrome. Why not me? Trouble in life is often the primer we need to prep for the beauty yet to come on the other side. I’ve never been able to appreciate anything unless I had to go through the fire to get it. I’ve convinced myself that my best life ever is on the other side of my disappointments.

This, all contrary to Tyler from 2010-2014. 2010 was the worst year of my entire life. I lost my best friend. A prestigious award I worked so hard for was handed to another student journalist. And my dear grandmother died two weeks before I graduated. And these are the minor occurrences from that year. Because I lacked guidance and skipped over the healing process, I constantly carried a rain cloud finding it difficult to see the beauty in anything. Whatever my trouble, I wore it everywhere I went. After things got pretty bad at my last job, I remember telling myself that I will never allow any situation or person to make me feel as low as I felt in that season.

And in two years, I haven’t.

The negative forces are persistent but I’m anchored in faith. Even with my minor problems this year, I’ve experienced incredible, once in a lifetime moments that I know I would not appreciate if I lived in self-pity.

I live by a very special Oprah quote, “It doesn’t matter what your mama did or what your daddy didn’t do. You are responsible for your life and the energy that you bring to others.”

That’s all I can focus on. Being a positive force.

I guess I can attribute it to spiritual maturity because, in the end, I know that I’ll come through this stronger than ever. And so will you.  In times like this, it’s super important to count your blessings. Really, list them out. I took some time away from my blog, and people, to really do some soul searching this year. I’ve assessed where I am in life and where I want to be. In the end, my misfortune rerouted me on the path where I needed to be all along.  Reflect on the negative and examine why you’re in your current state. Finding the answer may not come so easily, but focus on the things that are going right in life. Soon enough, you’ll find the clarity you need. You have to believe that life is working out in your favor despite your current circumstances. Don’t call it quits just yet. Through it all, we must continue living because God is life.

When life gets turbulent, I do suggest finding a therapist to help you cope in an appropriate manner.

I watched Jennifer Hudson’s Behind the Music episode a few years ago and a quote from Jamie Foxx stuck with me.

“The greatest story ever told is when the underdog comes out on top.”

Dear friends, this story is about you. Make it a good one.


2 Thoughts to “I’ve Lost Everything But Weight This Year”

  1. […] proof it works? I published two blog posts this week, which is a first in over a […]

  2. Sharee Silerio

    LOVE this post! We are going to get through, love! I totally understand what you are experiencing, and I see it this way…the more difficult our lives and moments become, the bigger the blessing, the greater the breakthrough is around the corner. Now the corner may take days, weeks or months to walk around, but know that you will get to the other side of it! Peace, love and light to you!

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